Location: Fort Collins, CO
Style: Belgian Pale
ABV: 6%
Spring is around the corner. Everything about this time is about being lighter. The days will begin to stay lighter longer. Diets are in full swing as people are trying to get lighter for the swimsuit season. As we exit the winter season, we leave behind those heavy winter warmers, porters, and stouts, and turn our attention towards the slim and sexy blondes, like the one we have in front of us today.
Spring Blonde is brewed to commemorate New Belgium employees who take a Spring trip to Belgium after their 5 year anniversary with the company. It's meant to be a light and refreshing Belgian pale that gears us up for the warmer months. So, let's get to it!
Appearance: Pours a pale golden color with plenty of visible bubbles from the carbonation. There is a half-finger head that caps the pour nicely.
Aroma: There is a nice spiciness that comes off the nose that is complimented with sweet malt and bready yeast scents. I can also pick up some fruit aromas--apples, oranges, and lemons mostly.
Taste: Bread and biscuity yeasts followed by Belgian style spices and a cleansing lemon finish. Black pepper and floral bitterness come in on the aftertaste, but it's still a clean finish. The hops play a nice part in this Belgian. I didn't expect to notice them much, but they contribute to a satisfying bitterness on the back end of the flavor profile. Surprisingly, the Belgian spices that are so noticeable on the front of the palate are almost completely replaced by the hoppy notes of the finish.
Mouthfeel: This is a light, crisp, and clean beer with medium carbonation that would serve well on a hot summer (or Spring) afternoon.
Overall: This could easily be a go-to beer for the warm weather months. It's light and refreshing, but packs flavor. The label says it's a Belgian Wheat, but I think the Pale description is a better fit. Spring Blonde puts forth just enough hop flavors to separate it from a traditional wheat beer.
Spring Blonde is tasty, enjoyable, and very drinkable. Cheers to the end of winter!
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